ocr: a an - The Following, Sighting Reports Are A Partial Excerpt From The. 1988 March-April edition (Vol, 9, #2) of the CUFORN Bulletin, reprinted with permission. For More info on CUFORN uheerenen Please access the appropriate Menu option. - - -Tom Sn Mickus - n . - NAA <<UFONET I>> * 12/96 HST - 60 Megs - 24 Hrs - 416-237-1204 A WAAH REPEATER IN TORONTO CE-1 REFUSES HYPNOSIS (-by Lawrence Fenwick) Aclose encounter with two UFOs occurred in Toronto, Ont., Canada in the early, Morning hours of March 11. 1988. This was less than 1/2 mile from Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes of North America an ...